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Competitie Informatie

Overwatch puts players into two teams of six, with each player selecting one of several pre-defined hero characters with unique movement, attributes, and abilities; these heroes are divided into four classes: Offense, Defense, Tank and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map and/or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. Overwatch is a first-person shooter that features squad-based combat with two opposing teams. Players choose one of several hero characters, each with their own unique abilities and role classes. Each hero has a primary attack or skill and at least two additional skills that can be invoked at any time, some requiring a brief cooldown period before they can be used again.

Competitie Informatie

Overwatch puts players into two teams of six, with each player selecting one of several pre-defined hero characters with unique movement, attributes, and abilities; these heroes are divided into four classes: Offense, Defense, Tank and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map and/or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. Overwatch is a first-person shooter that features squad-based combat with two opposing teams. Players choose one of several hero characters, each with their own unique abilities and role classes. Each hero has a primary attack or skill and at least two additional skills that can be invoked at any time, some requiring a brief cooldown period before they can be used again.


1. Format:

Single elimination in a 6v6. The tournament will be a best of 3. The finals will be a best of 5.

2. Match Settings

Custom game: Invite Only Rule set: Competitive

  • Game mode:

    • Finals: Best of Five

    • Other matches: Best of Three

  • Map rotation: Single map

  • Return to lobby: After a game

  • The higher seed starts the map veto

  • Available maps: King's Row, Numbani, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Dorado, Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya, Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Hollywood, Ilios, Route 66, Eichenwalde & Oasis

  • Available maps:

    • Escort: Dorado, Route 66, Rialto

    • Hybrid: King's Row, Hollywood, Eichenwalde

    • Assault: Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volkaya

    • Control Point: Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Busan (points to win: 2)

  • Hero selection limit: 1 per team

  • Disable any heroes currently not available in competitive.

  • Disable kill cam: On

3. General Rules:

3.1 Tie

  • In case of a tie on Assault, Hybrid or Escort a Control Point map will be played (either Ilios or Oasis).

  • Recordings and/or screenshots from each round are required.

3.2 Map order

The maps will be played in this order:

  1. Control Point

  2. Hybrid

  3. Escort

  4. Assault

  5. Control Point

3.3 Map Pick/Veto

Unless otherwise specified, the map pick/veto rules are as follows:

Map one:

  • The highest seeded team(first team listed) will be chosen to start the pick & ban phase by banning one of the 3 control point maps.

  • The other team will then select one of the two remaining maps, which is the map that will be played.

Following maps:

  • The winner of the previous map will be banning one of the 3 different maps for the next maptype.

  • The other team will then select one of the two remaining maps, which is the map that will be played.

  • he winner of the previous map will then decide if they want to start on the blue team (defence) or the red team (offense).

3.4 Pauses

  • A team is allowed 5 minutes of pause time per map. These pauses must be initiated between fights. After the 5 minutes are up the team is required to continue play.

  • Pauses to contact administration are not counted towards the pause time of a team.

3.5 Technical Issues:

  • In the case that a player(s) disconnects, the team is required to continue to play the fight, a pause (up to 5 minutes) shall be put into place after the fight ends.

    • If a player fails to show up on time the team can decide to wait (up to 10 minutes) or play with a player less.

    • If a team chooses to wait and after 10 min the missing player still hasn’t shown up the team must play with a player less.

    • If a missing player shows up in the middle of a round he/she is not allowed to join and must wait until the next round.

    • If a match can’t be played because of multiple players missing, the administrator can choose to wait if there is enough time or penalize the team with a lost round or a complete loss of the match.

    • If the administrator chooses to wait, then after 10 min the faulty team is penalized with a lost round and after 20 min complete disqualification.

Ingeschreven teams: 3

Team Inschrijfnummer Bevestigd 3/3 (100%)
happysquids en gerpsp 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
Plulululululululup2019 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd
Winnable 0 Aanwezigheid bevestigd

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